08:50~08:55 | 환영사회장 이근배 |
08:55~09:00 | Background of 2022 Foot and Ankle Symposium학술위원장 이준영 |
09:00~10:08 | Session 1. MIS for hallux valgus deformity이경태 / 양기원 |
09:00~09:12 | MICA, Minimal invasive Chevron & AkinSNU서울병원 서상교 |
09:12~09:24 | Minimal invasive proximal osteotomy아주의대 박영욱 |
09:24~09:36 | Complications & prevention of MIS technique연세의대 박광환 |
09:36~09:48 | MIS : promising or overshooting?성균관의대 성기선 |
09:48~10:08 | Discussion |
10:08~10:23 | Coffee break |
10:23~11:48 | Session 2. Arthroscopic Brostrom for chronic lateral ankle instability이우천 / 최경진 |
10:23~10:35 | Surgical Concepts and Arthroscopical anatomy연세의대 한승환 |
10:35~10:47 | ATFL repair alone with knotless anchor경희의대 정비오 |
10:47~10:59 | Arthroscopic all-inside modified Brostrom-Gould technique순천향의대 이영구 |
10:59~11:11 | ATFL repair (modified lasso-loop stitch) with IER augmentation전남의대 이근배 |
11:11~11:23 | Outcome review of Arthroscopic vs conventional technique서울의대 이동연 |
11:23~11:48 | Discussion |
11:48~12:56 | Session 3. Arthroscopy and Endoscopy in Foot and Ankle박용욱 / 안재훈 |
11:48~12:00 | Subtalar arthroscopy영남의대 박철현 |
12:00~12:12 | Hindfoot endoscopy and FHL tendoscopy인하의대 김범수 |
12:12~12:24 | Great and lesser toe MTP joint arthroscopy전북의대 이광복 |
12:24~12:36 | Endoscopic plantar fascia release을지의대 양기원 |
12:36~12:56 | Discussion |
12:56~13:46 | Group photo & Lunch |
13:46~14:54 | Session 4. Specific considerations in foot and ankle trauma주인탁 / 서진수 |
13:46~13:58 | Diabetic ankle fractures한림의대 박재용 |
13:58~14:10 | Elderly ankle fracture management건국의대 정홍근 |
14:10~14:22 | Compartment syndrome of foot경상의대 남대철 |
14:22~14:34 | NPWT for soft tissue defect in foot and ankle trauma충북의대 조병기 |
14:34~14:54 | Discussion |
14:54~15:18 | Session 5. My painful memory in foot and ankle trauma성일훈 / 정홍근 |
| 성균관의대 박세진, 충남의대 강 찬, 전남의대 이건우, 원광의대 이성현 |
15:18~15:33 | Coffee break |
15:33~16:31 | Session 6. How to resolve the complications안종철 / 이근배 |
15:33~15:45 | Pilon fracture malreduction조선의대 이준영 |
15:45~15:47 | Syndesmosis malreduction단국의대 박현우 |
15:47~15:59 | Calcaneal malreduction인제의대 정형진 |
15:59~16:11 | Neglected lisfranc injury가톨릭의대 정진화 |
16:11~16:31 | Discussion |
16:31~17:39 | Session 7. Controversies in foot and ankle trauma이상욱 / 이호승 |
16:31~16:43 | Syndesmosis injury : screw vs tight-rope fixation부산건우정형외과 곽희철 |
16:43~16:55 | Deltoid ligament injury : repair or not인제의대 배서영 |
16:55~17:07 | Talar neck fracture : screw vs plate fixation동아의대 이명진 |
17:07~17:19 | Jones fracture : screw vs TBW fixation울산의대 최영락 |
17:19~17:39 | Discussion |
17:39~ | 폐회사학술위원장 이준영 |